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A CEILIDH is an evening of traditional dancing, with instructions given by a “Caller”.  You don’t need to know the dances – it’s the Caller’s job to guide you through the figures.
Sometimes, people call it a Barn Dance or Folk Dance.  I prefer the term Ceilidh as this is less likely to be confused with Country ‘n’ Western or Line Dancing.  Usually, the dress code is casual (high heels are a big disadvantage).  The dances will be a mixture of energetic gallops and graceful turns – rooted in traditional forms, mainly English and Scottish. And often there’s an interval for a supper – which might be anything from a simple Ploughman’s Lunch to a full buffet.  American Suppers (where everyone brings a plate of food and the fare is shared by all) are popular, and keep the expenses down.
What does it cost?  It depends mainly on the music source.  The cheapest option is to have recorded music.  For larger events, you’ll probably want a live band – and the cost varies according to size and how far they have to travel. Then of course there’s the cost of hiring a venue.  I can’t help you with that, but I can give a quote for caller and (if required) a band.

the chocolate moment

berden barn dance

barn dancers

western dance centre

golden wedding

folk dance clubs

galley ho 2011

galley-ho 2010

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