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2 couples

32 bar jig (CHRIS DEWHURST: dulcie's party; tea with sylvia)

(couple facing couple across the hall, Ladies on right of partner)


[]   Forward & Back;  Do-si-do contrary

[]   Face Partner: Forward & Back;  See-saw (do-si-do left shoulder)

[]   Double-Figure-Eight

(couple with Man nearer the Men’s wall start by crossing through other couple)

[]   Waves Of The Sea

(couple with Man nearer the Men’s wall start going forward and back

WHILE other couple cast – see below)

NB:  Contrary is now your partner and couples are facing up and down the hall)


[]   With contrary (former partner) in-to-line siding right shoulder; Do-si-do

[]   With partner, side left shoulder;  See-saw

[16]   as above

NB:  Dancers will be with original partner but opposite where they started


[32]   Arm right – etc

(note – there will be a different Man nearer the Men’s wall)


[]   Circle left;  Do-si-do contrary

[]   Circle right;  See-saw partner

[16]   as above
WAVES OF THE SEA (a figure from Running Set)

One couple lead forward and fall back WHILE other couple cast round them and cross and continue round to partner’s place;  Repeat, changing patterns.



longways Becket

32 bar reel (PATRICK & DEWHURST: rangers' hoedown; foot & fiddle)

[]   Slice right twice (double progression)

[]   Men allemande left 1½; Ladies’ Chain across (halfway)

[]   Push-off hey (start Ladies pass Right Shoulder)

[]   Balance and swing


variation on the Hambo

 Couple dance

16 bar hambo/waltz (ASSEMBLY PLAYERS: nona - hambo)

Start side by side, nearer hands joined


Bar 1: Step forward (outside foot) and swing/lift other foot

Bar 2: Repeat starting with inside foot

Bar 3: Run forward three steps

Bar 4:  Close and pause

Bars 5-8: Sideways “do-si-do” moving clockwise

(i.e. Lady slides behind Man and then in front

WHILE Man slides in front and then behind)


Bars 1-2: Lady turns single clockwise

Bars 3-4: Man turns counter-clockwise


Bars 5-8: Swing with “cuddle” hold (i.e. both dancers holding shoulders of their partner)


DANCE OF THE FOUR APOSTLES (original version)

longways 4 couples

32 bar reel (RODNEY & RANDY MILLER: allie crocker; jack hamilton)
[]   1st & 3rd couples half-poussette (counter-clockwise) to change places;

      then bottom two couples half-poussette (clockwise) to change places

            [order now 3 2 4 1]
[]   Top three Men hey ½ way along the sides, as do the top three Ladies (starting from the top passing right shoulder); then all four on each side hey ½ (again passing right shoulder to start)

            [order now 1 3 2 4]
[]   Repeat A1 from new positions BUT clockwise from top and counter-clockwise at bottom

            [order now 2 3 4 1]

[]   Lines fall back, come forward;  Two-hand turn partner


DANCE OF THE FOUR APOSTLES (revised version)  

This revision was prompted by a suggestion from Les Barclay

longways 4 couples

32 bar reel (RODNEY & RANDY MILLER: allie crocker; jack hamilton)
[]   1st & 3rd couples half-poussette (clockwise) to change places;

      then bottom two couples half-poussette (counter-clockwise) to change places

            [order now 3 2 4 1]
[]   Top three Men hey ½ way along the sides, as do the top three Ladies

       (dancers in third place start by passing daner in second place right shoulder); 

then all four on each side hey ½ (passing left shoulder to start) [order now 1 3 2 4]

[]   Repeat A1 from new positions [order now 2 3 4 1]

[]   Lines fall back, come forward;  Two-hand turn partner



longways 3 couples

32 bar jig (SKYLARK: darla's jig; clare jig)

[]   Right-hand balance & box the gnat;  Left-hand balance & swat the flea

[]   Middle couple half-figure-eight up;  then bottom couple half-figure-eight up

[]   Top two couples rights & lefts

[]   “Bubbles” figure

BUBBLES: Top couple cast while others do half right-hand turn moving up one place; repeat thrice (from new positions)



contra cross formation

32 bar reel (PATRICK & DEWHURST: contra dance reels)

[]   Allemande left with Corner (Opposite in Duple sets);  Swing partner

[]   Duples Ladies’ Chain WHILE Squares Ladies’ Star Chain

[]   Set to centre of current duple/square, petronella one place; Repeat

[]   Do-si-do partner;  Star-through with partner and pass through



rectangle six couples (i.e. 4 heads + 2 sides)

32 bar reel (YANKEE INGENUITY: been to the east, been to the west)

[16]   Hexagonal variation on “Trip To Bavaria” figure halfway (6 changes – 12 bars)* then two-hand turn partner (4 bars)

[8]   Head couples: Ladies’ Chain (across and back)

[8]   Promenade counter-clockwise for two positions; swing


End couples pass giving right hands WHILE couples in Head positions star right half-way; then in pairs along the lines, pass giving left hands.


Repeat from new positions.

Repeat from new positions (to end halfway around the set from starting position)



longways 3 couples

32 bar reel (CEILIDHOGRAPHY: salmon tails)

[16]   Top 2 couples star right (4 bars); then the two ladies – in tandem – dance reel of three across the set with 3rd couple (8 bars); then top 2 couples star left (4 bars)

[8]   Top 2 men – in tandem – dance reel of three with 3rd couple

[8]   Cast from top to invert the set; swing partner



longways Becket

32 bar jig (THINGUMAJIG: uncle's jig; marlin jig)

[]   Long lines forward & back;  Do-si-do opposite

[]   Double star-through*;  Wheel half-way (Man backing), Ladies cross passing right shoulder

[]   In fours, circle left then pass through along the line; 

      with next couple, right-hand balance and star ¾

[]   Balance & swing partner

Star through with opposite (Man’s right-hand to Lady’s left-hand – change places with Lady turning under.)

Star through with partner (Man’s LEFT-hand to Lady’s RIGHT-hand.  End facing out)



longways 3 couples

40 bar reel (DALRIADA: earl and countess of wessex)

[]   1st couple petronella to centre and set; then petronella to side lines and set

[]   1st couple cross, giving right-hands, and cast to 2nd place; 

       then left-hand turn and end facing 1st corners

[]   Half diagonal reel with 1st corners, 1st couple touch right hands as they turn to face

       2nd corners; 

        Half diagonal reel with 2nd corners, then 1st couple right-hand turn to end facing up (proper)

[]   1st couple lead up and cast to second place

       WHILE others set and cross giving right-hands (to partners); 

       in threes, star right (1st Lady with couple at top and 1st Man with couple at bottom)

[]   Circle left and right



Longways set for three couples

64 bar waltz (CEILIDHOGRAPHY: salmon tails)

The second couple lead

 A1       2nd couple lead up & cast back

            WHILE others Right & Left (two changes) starting with neighbour; 

            Half-hey across (Man with bottom couple, Lady with top couple BUT she

             effectively does left-shoulder do-si-do around top Man’s position to end beside

 her partner in the centre of the set, facing the Man’s wall

A2        Repeat from these positions (i.e. treating the Man’s wall as “up”)

B1         Repeat, facing down

B2        Repeat, facing Ladies’ wall

A3      Top two couples star right halfway WHILE bottom couple cross giving right hands, then bottom neighbours cross giving left hands; all do-si-do

A4         Petronella turns to line of six, set to partner; two-hand turn ¾

B3        Top two couples star left halfway WHILE bottom couple cross giving left hands,

then bottom neighbours cross giving right hands;  all see-saw (do-si-do left shoulder)

B4        Reverse petronella turns to line of six, set to partner; two-hand turn ¾ counter-clockwise



longways 6 couples

40 bar reel (RING O’ BELLS: dare devil dick; lancashire toreador; our sergeants major)

[]   6th lady stands still while other ladies dance figure-of-eight around man below their

      partner (counter-clockwise) and partner (clockwise)

[]   6th man stands while other men dance figure-of-eight around lady below their

      partner (clockwise) and partner (counter-clockwise)

[]   Top two couples reverse-flutter (1st Man & 2nd Lady start with left-hand) plus

      quarter more & fall back & 1s lead up

      WHILE other couples circle left & right in fours

[]   !st couple cast to bottom and form arch WHILE others follow and come up under arch

[]   Swing


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