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Progressive Quadrille.  Standard progression with switch

32 bar reel (“Bell Hill”/”Blake’s Wood” © Anne Skinner)

[]  With opposite, do-si-do & two-hand turn 3/4 and face down

[]  Line of eight leads down; Tag the line

[]  Line leads up, in fours, bend the line into two circles; Balance twice

[]  In same circles, circle left; Swing and face new line



Square set – progression anti-clockwise

4x48 bar American reel (“Hopping Jack” © Anne Skinner)

[]  Ladies’ Star Chain

[]  Big Dipper*

[]  …complete Big Dipper to end in two columns

[]  Sides square through two; columns hey three moves

[]  Balance & swing partner into square

[]  Promenade three-quarters (progression); All forward & back in circle


Heads star-thru with opposites & fall back (under side arch) as Sides in & star-thru & fall back.  Repeat thrice (for Heads) with Sides ending before final fall back to form columns of four.



Longways Duple Diamond (proper). Standard progression

32 bar reels (“Hopping Jack Junior/Elm Tree Reel” © Anne Skinner)

Line up as standard longways duple proper, then each foursome moves clockwise so 1st man and 2nd lady (still called as 1st corners) are in centre positions with their partners (2nd corners) on the outside lines.

[]  Taking right hands across, balance the star and rotate half-way; egg-beater*

(neutrals beware - avoid getting whisked!)

[]  In original fours, 1st corners cross, then 2nd corners cross; Repeat

[]  Do-si-do partner;

with couple on same diagonal (from next diamond), half-reel of four

started by passing partner right shoulder

(neutrals change places with partner)

[]  Left-hand turn partner; set & turn single


 2nd corners right-hand turn WHILE 1st corners with person from next diamond left-hand turn



Square set.  No progression

4x48 bar reel (“7 o’clock swing” © Anne Skinner)

[]  Heads meet & half-trade with opposite to face across WHILE sides right-hand turn 3/4 to face across, megapod hey across (i.e. dolphin heys with four pairs) started by actives passing sides left shoulder.

[]  ..complete hey; sides swing WHILE heads trade with opposite & fall back to place

[]  Grand Square (start with sides moving in

[]  Reverse

[]  Grand Chain halfway; Do-si-do

[]  Promenade home; Swing

<sequence> Heads lead; Sides lead; Heads lead; Sides lead



Hands Four (proper) – alternating progression

4x32 bar jig (“Twitty Fee” © Anne Skinner)


[]  Lead up a double and back twice

[]  1s half-pousette clockwise; 2s begin full pousette clockwise

[]  …2s complete pousette; 1s half-pousette clockwise

[]  1st Corners cross, 2nd Corners cross; All turn single & two-hand halfway

<2>  In-line sidings right & left etc

<3>  Arm right & left etc

<4>  Rights & Lefts etc



Longways Duple Improper.  Standard progression

32 bar reel (“Here We Pyr-Go!”/”Bluebell Stroll” © Anne Skinner)

[]  Balance the ring, petronella; Pass the ocean across, balance the wave

[]  Hey halfway (start passing partner right shoulder); Swing, end facing down

[]  Line of four leads down,turn as a couple; Lead up, bend the line

[]  Ladies’ Chain halfway; Star through with partner, pass opposite to progress



Square set for threesomes (one man with two ladies)

PROGRESSION: Men clockwise; Ladies switch.

4x48 bar reel (“Cousteau Reel” © Anne Skinner)

[]  Head trios lead in, set, circle left halfway & fall back to triangle

(men on outside facing in, ladies facing out)

[]  Sides the same

[]  Wheelie-chain (start with right-hand star half-way)*

[]  …complete wheelie-chain

[]  In original threesomes, circle left until man is on outside, then balance the ring;

Hey half-way start man passes right-hand partner by the right.

[]  Men chase clockwise to next two ladies WHILE ladies do-si-do (in switched places);

All 12 circle left halfway

<seq>  Heads lead twice; Sides lead twice


Dance track of full GRAND CHAIN but with three-handed stars.  Man led by left-hand partner moves counter-clockwise WHILE his right-hand partner moves clockwise



4 couple longways.  Progression 1-3-4-2

32 bar jig (“St Clere” © Anne Skinner)

[]  All set, then those who can pass on the left diagonal by the right shoulder

and turn to face right; in lines of four, the middles dolphin along halfway

[]  Repeat from new positions

[]  In fours, circle left three-quarters and fall back; Do-si-do

[]  In same fours, rights & lefts



Longways set for 3 couples. Standard progression.

3x32 bar reel (“Margaret Matthew” © Anne Skinner)

[]  Lines go forward & back;

End couples do-si-do 1¼ to centre-line

WHILE middle couple right-hand turn and fall back

[]  Weasel reel*

[]  End couples right-hand turn ¾ & set WHILE middle couple turn single left & set;

Top couple cast & form arch at bottom of set

WHILE others follow and pop up through arch

[]  … to progressed places; all swing

*Weasel reel:

This combines a half-reel of four along the centre line and a chase clockwise to other end of set.

All dancers finish this move where they started it.



Circle of 3 couples. Progression: men anti-clockwise; ladies clockwise.

3x64 bar jig (“Lingwood” © Anne Skinner)

[]  Left-hand turn with Corner; Right-hand turn with Partner

[]  Men star left; Right-hand turn Partner 1½

[]  Men dance Celtic Brooch*

[]  ,… complete figure; Right-hand turn Partner 1½

[]  Ladies dance Celtic Brooch*

[]  … complete figure; Right-hand turn Partner 1¾ (to home positions)

[]  Grand Chain (4 changes - progression)

[]  Ladies star right; Swing (new) Partner

*Celtic Brooch:

This is a 12-bar figure in which dancers finish where they started it. The dancers (all 3 men first time and all 3 ladies second time) are ‘outsiders’ while others are ‘insiders’.  Outsiders loop right past partner and next standing insider to end facing this second insider; they repeat the move from this position, again passing 2 insiders; then once more to end facing partners.

This move comes from the dance ‘The Celtic Brooch’ bu Hugh Foss (in which the Ladies dance the move first).  There are many variations on the basic figure:

1: Outsiders star right in centre

2: Insiders ‘follow’ their partners (like a 3-couple schiehallion reel)

3: Insiders face anti-clockwise & set then dance on one place

4: Insiders face in & go forward & back, then loop clockwise around present outsider, then forward & back



4 couple longways (2s and 4s improper). Progression 1-2-4-3

32 bar reel (“Runsell Green” © Anne Skinner)

[]  Lines go forward & back; Do-si-do

[]  End couples two-hand turn WHILE middles double star through starting with neighbour*

In fours at both ends balance the ring and circle left halfway

[]  Reels of four along the lines (start passing right shoulder with neighbours at ends)

[]  In fours, star right & left

*Double Star Through:

 Star through with neighbour (man’s right hand to lady’s left hand),

then star through with partner (man’s left hand to lady’s right hand)


4 couple longways.  Progression 1-3-2-4

32 bar polka (“St Paul’s Polka” © Anne Skinner)

[]  1st man cross & cast to 2nd place in centre WHILE 1st lady dances half-figure-eight through twos to end at top of the set in centre (forming a diamond with 2nd couple) WHILE 3rd couple do same with 4th couple; The two dancers at top & bottom turn single left WHILE two at middle points of diamonds left-hand turn WHILE 2s & 4s right-hand turn partners (this is EGG-BEATER)

[]  The two end dancers, followed by partners, go anti-clockwise around other couyple in diamond to finish 2-1-3-4; Current end couples do-si-do WHILE 1st MIDDLE corners same.

[]  End couples see-saw WHILE 2nd MIDDLE corners same; From the top, cast to inveret the set

[]  Long lines go foreward & back; Partners two-hand turn


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